Metabolic Forces

Metabolic Forces

As I prepare this website, for my own sake and that of the visitor, it seems appropriate to write down some forces compelling and guiding this work. First and foremost, my loved ones. We all risk accelerating departure from our loved ones here on earth. Unfortunately, some of the ills today that cause illness and death creep insidiously into our lives.

  • The world is facing a three-fold pandemic of diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
  • This pandemic is driven by obesity, blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid levels.
  • Low-fat diets, diet centers, and diet products have all failed for decades.
  • Calorie counting diets do not work.
  • We do not need more pills or shots.
  • We need more whole foods and to eliminate processed foods.
  • We need more exercise.
  • Like minded doctors are priceless.

These factors drive me every day and, in my case, this ended up committed to a solution with four parts:

  1. Intermittent Fasting
  2. Ketogenic Nutrition
  3. Metabolic Resistance Training
  4. High Intensity Interval Cardio

These four are not the only components that work in today’s world. In fact, there are thousands more. You will find here my experience. To create your own experience, I encourage you immerse yourself in the advice of books, videos, doctors, nutritionists and trainers. Experiment with what works for you. Stay positive. Grow strong.