Metabolic Forces
As I prepare this website, for my own sake and that of the visitor, it seems appropriate to write down some forces compelling and guiding this work. First and foremost, my loved ones. We all risk accelerating our departure from our loved ones here on earth. Unfortunately, some of the ills today that cause illness and death creep insidiously into our lives. read more
Metabolic Body Types
Human bodies come in various shapes and sizes, each with varying metabolic characteristics. Body type can be influenced by factors under our control like lifestyle and environment. However, body type is driven mainly by factors beyond our control such as genetics. Metabolic body type can determine whether or not we struggle with obesity. read more
Resistance Training
Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) is a fitness approach that utlilizes strength training in a way which maximizes calorie burn, improves cardiovascular health, and builds muscle. It’s an efficient and effective workout strategy designed to enhance metabolic rate, making it a popular choice for those seeking to optimize their fitness routine. read more
Training As We Age
The fastest growing population group in the United States includes those people between age 65 and 70, with over 12 million people. With the aging baby boomers, the population age 65 and higher is expected to continue growing rapidly. However, growth in the aged population has little to do with improved health habits. The Center for Disease Control reports that more than one-third of older adults aged 65 and over were obese in 2007-2010 with obesity prevalence was higher among those aged 65‒74. Studies regularly report that the aging population loses muscle, gains fat, and overall quality and quantity of… read more